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Privacy & Policy


Privacy and Sharing of Information

I authorize the clinic and its associated health professionals to collect my personal information as documented above. In addition, I authorize the clinic and its associated health professionals to communicate with my family doctor and/or referring doctor as deemed necessary for my beneficial treatment. I also understand that my personal and medical information is confidential and will only be disclosed to third parties with my permission.



Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists' day that could have been filled by another patient. As such, we require 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Patients who provide less than 24 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a cancellation fee.

Informed Consent



Treatment, including psychotherapy, cannot be provided without consent.

There is no minimum age for consent to health care treatment. Clients may consent to therapy services unless it is the opinion of the therapist that the client lacks capacity. If the client lacks capacity, consent will be sought from the client’s substitute decision-maker.

The capacity to consent means an individual understands the information relevant to the proposed therapy services and appreciates the reasonably foreseeable consequences of agreeing or refusing to participate in therapy.

For clients who lack capacity (including some children), usually one or both parents will act as the child’s substitute decision-maker. Please see Part Two of this form for information about who may act as a substitute decision-maker for a client that lacks capacity to consent.



Possible risks associated with therapy services may include emotional distress and/or temporary increases in presenting concerns during treatment, changes in family dynamics that may be unexpected or undesired, treatment goals may not be obtained.

Possible benefits of therapy services may include complete or partial progress toward individual and/or relational goals (which may include the development of strategies for achieving and maintaining improved mental health, the development of skills and adaptive coping skills, improvement of self-esteem and self-confidence, improvement in family and peer relationships).

The client maintains the right to discontinue therapy services at any time, and appropriate referral to alternative services will be provided.



Therapists associated with Sabrina M Psychotherapy provide individual therapy for children, youth, adults and older adults. 

Therapy services do not include: - assessments required for court proceedings - crisis support or after hours contact. The client is encouraged to access the following resources if they are in imminent risk of harm: 

  • Here 24/7 at 1-844-437-3247 

  • Attend the nearest hospital’s emergency room

  • Call 9-1-1



Therapists will determine at the outset whether online therapy is appropriate. Therapists will also discuss possible alternative treatments.



Subject to the following limitations, a client’s personal health information is kept confidential and can be disclosed to a third party only with the client’s consent or the consent of a substitute decision maker in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).


Information disclosed in session is kept private and confidential except under the following circumstances:


  • To report a child in need of protection in accordance with the Child, Youth and Family Services Act

  • To eliminate or reduce a significant risk of serious bodily harm to a person or group of persons 

  • To report a client who is a member of a regulated health profession and where mandatory reporting under the Regulated Health Professions Act 1991 applies 

  • In response to a court order or as otherwise required by law 

  • Therapists may choose to seek support through supervision or peer consultation. The purpose of these consultations is for the therapist to receive additional support which fosters their professional development. Within these consultations, no identifying information of the client is shared. 

  • For the provision of emergency healthcare in circumstances where it is not possible to obtain the client’s consent in a timely manner and the client has not prohibited such disclosure.



Therapists providing online therapy will use PHIPA compliant video services. Your therapist will determine if online therapy is appropriate for you; it is at the therapist’s sole discretion to make this decision.

The client is responsible for securing their own computer hardware, internet access points, and password security. If video services are not available due to unplanned equipment or service malfunction, therapy services may resume via telephone, at the therapist’s discretion.

Clients are not allowed to make audio or video recordings of any portion of the session.

In order to participate in virtual services, please review our terms of use, privacy policy and e-mail and videoconferencing policy and consent.

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